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Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Is porn actually good for you?

In the last decade or so, it’s become quite fashionable for people to throw around big words like dopamine addiction and blame everything from the rise of sex crime to erectile dysfunction on porn. However, research suggests that sex addiction is not similar to cocaine or alcohol addiction, in fact there’s no proof that it reflects any unique brain-related issue at all. A study which looked to prove sex addiction was an illness, actually found the opposite. A new study claims that there really is no such thing as porn addiction and those who say it actually ignore the positive benefits of porn. The study has found very little scientific data to suggest that porn actually even causes any negative side-effects. ‘There was no sign that use of pornography is connected to erectile dysfunction or that it causes any changes to the brains of users,’ explained David Ley, a clinical psychologist and executive director of New Mexico Solutions – a large behavioural health programme.
Despite the furore, the use of sexually explicit material explains very little of the variance in adolescents’ behaviours, he added. Researchers believed that porn not only improves attitudes towards sexuality but also increases the quality of life and variety of sexual behaviours and increases pleasure in long-term relationships.

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