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Monday, 4 May 2015

Planning to lose weight? Eat bananas

If you believe that bananas are fattening and thus completely shun this fruit from your weight loss goals, you are doing more harm than good for yourself. This humble fruit is not only low in calories but also rich in essential nutrients that play a key role in maintaining your weight. Here are few facts you need to get cleared about bananas, so as to include it to your weight loss diet.
Low in calories
A large portion of calories from banana are due to its carbohydrate and protein content. This fruit contains very less fat. Also, a single banana provides approximately 105 calories making it a healthy option to lose weight.
High in potassium and magnesium
Potassium helps to get rid of excess water. Rich in magnesium and potassium, eating a banana aids in replenishing the lost minerals in your body. In this way, it helps in losing weight without causing any side-effects on the body (as in case of many other weight loss supplements).
Fills your stomach
As eating bananas makes you feel full for a longer time and keeps your hunger pangs at bay, it is a must-to-have food to achieve your weight loss goals.
A healthy post-workout option
A single large banana provides around 31g of carbohydrates. Thus, snacking on a banana after your work-out helps you to restore your energy and make you feel energetic without weighing you down.
Easy on your pocket
Being easily available at affordable price (and in large quantities), they perfectly fit the bill of every individual planning to lose weight. Apart from this, bananas are available all round the year. So grab one and start off your weight loss regime in a healthy way! 

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