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Monday, 7 December 2015

As timeline cross new diseases come in and a few that are rare, become more prevalent. Blood Pressure in one such disease, so here are some facts and ways to control them

When you visit your health care provider, a blood pressure measurement is one of the most important routine tests you’ll have.
Blood pressure is the force exerted by your blood against your arteries. As your heart pumps, it forces blood out through arteries that carry the blood throughout your body. The arteries keep tapering off in size until they become tiny vessels, called capillaries. At the capillary level, oxygen and nutrients are released from your blood and delivered to the organs.
Types of Blood Pressure
There are two types of blood pressure: Systolic blood pressure refers to the pressure inside your arteries when your heart is pumping; diastolic pressure is the pressure inside your arteries when your heart is resting between beats.
When your arteries are healthy and dilated, blood flows easily and your heart doesn't have to work too hard. But when your arteries are too narrow or stiff, blood pressure rises, the heart gets overworked, and arteries can become damaged.
Measuring Blood Pressure
Blood pressure is measured with an instrument called a sphygmomanometer. First, a cuff is placed around your arm and inflated with a pump until the circulation is cut off. A small valve slowly deflates the cuff, and the doctor measuring blood pressure uses a stethoscope, placed over your arm, to listen for the sound of blood pulsing through the arteries. That first sound of rushing blood refers to the systolic blood pressure; once the sound fades, the second number indicates the diastolic pressure, the blood pressure of your heart at rest.
Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) and recorded with the systolic number first, followed by the diastolic number. For example, a normal blood pressure would be recorded as something under 120/80 mm Hg.
Blood pressure readings can be affected by factors like:
·         Smoking
·         Coffee or other caffeinated drinks
·         A full bladder
·         Recent physical activity

Blood pressure is also affected by your emotional state and the time of day. Since so many factors can affect blood pressure readings, you should have your blood pressure taken several times to get an accurate measurement.
What Is Normal Blood Pressure?
Experts consider normal blood pressure to be less than 120/80 mm Hg. Based on population data, about 42 percent of American adults have normal blood pressure. At one point, blood pressure at or above 120/80 and less than 140/90 was considered normal to high; these numbers are now considered pre-hypertensive. Blood pressure consistently at or above 140/90 is considered high blood pressure or hypertension.
Blood pressure normally rises as you age and grow. Normal blood pressure readings for children are lower than for adults, while blood pressure measurements for adults and older teenagers are similar.
Blood pressure can also be too low, a condition called hypotension. Hypotension refers to blood pressure lower than 90/60. Symptoms of hypotension include dizziness, fainting, and sometimes shock.

Here are some ways to Control High and Low Blood Pressure:
  • The heart pumps blood through the arteries to various parts of the body
  • A certain amount of pressure is required to maintain the blood flow
  • When this pressure increases over the normal level, it is called high blood pressure

·         Obesity
·         High salt intake
·         Alcohol consumption
·         Mental or physical stress


1.   Headache
2.       Dizziness
3.       Blurred vision
4.       Nausea
5.       Vomiting
6.       Chest Pain
7.       Shortness of breath

Simple Techniques:

  1. 1.    Natural home remedy using garlic:
    1.   Chew 2-3 raw garlic cloves everyday
    Garlic slows down the pulse rate and smoothens the heart's rhythm.

    2.     Natural home remedy using watermelon seeds and cuscus powder
    1.   Take 1 tsp of dried watermelon seeds
    2.   Add 1 tsp of cuscus powder
    3.   Crush the mixture
    4.   Have this once in the morning and the evening
    5.   Consume for 3-4 weeks

  2.      3.Natural home remedy using Indian gooseberries:

      1. Crush 4-5 Indian gooseberries
      2. Place the paste on a sieve
      3. Press the paste to extract the juice
      4. Take 2 tsp of this juice
      5. Add 1 tsp of honey
      6. Mix well
      7. Drink every morning
              • Consume flaxseeds everyday
              • Do not delay treatment for blood pressure since it can lead to:
              • Heart attacks
              • Kidney failure
              • Strokes
              • Peripheral artery disease

              Low Blood Pressure:

              • Blood pressure is the force which the blood exerts on the walls of the arteries
              • A pressure reading of 90/60 or lower is termed as low blood pressure
              • Low blood pressure affects the oxygen supply to the various organs of the body
              • Stress
              • Faulty diet or malnutrition
              • Loss of blood due to any injury or during the menstruation cycle
              • Slow bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys or bladder
              • Weakness
              • Laziness
              • Dizziness
              • Patient gets easily tired

              Simple Techniques:

              1. 1. Natural home remedy using basil leaves and honey

              • Crush 15 thoroughly washed basil leaves
              • Place it on a sieve and extract its juice
              • Add 1 tsp of honey to this juice
              • Mix well
              • Drink 2 times a day
                      1. 2. Natural home remedy using raisins

                      • Soak 10-15 raisins overnight in water
                      • Eat them on an empty stomach next morning
                      • Follow this with 1 glass of water
                      • Avoid eating or drinking anything for 1 hr after this
                      • Drink 1 cup raw beetroot juice twice a day
                      • Salt is useful in curing low blood pressure
                      • Drink 1 glass lukewarm water mixed with ½ tsp salt once everyday
                      • However, do this only till pressure reaches to normal
                      • Drink a cup of black tea. Caffeine helps to increase the blood pressure

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