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Sunday, 6 December 2015

Here are some reasons why it's an extremely bad idea to be friends with your ex!

Even if you were successful in ending your relationship with your ex-boyfriend amicably, you can’t help but wonder if staying friends is a good idea or not.  If you are still weighing the pros and cons on whether you should continue staying in touch with your ex, here are 10 reasons why that decision could backfire:
  1. Being friends with your ex will only make it more difficult for both parties to get over the relationship, especially if you two continue talking and hanging out regularly.
  1. It will be only a matter of time before you feel convinced about giving the relationship another shot, even though the past has repeatedly proven that theory wrong. Before making any hasty decisions, ask yourself, Is getting back with your ex a good idea?
  1.  Inevitably, you will feel like you’re trapped in the past as history tends to repeat itself.
  1. Knowing that your ex is talking to other people, and is considering dating again, will turn you into an extremely jealous and irrational person.
  1. You won’t be able to stop comparing yourself to every other person he dates.
  1. You will become a full-time stalker and will spend a lot of time keeping tabs of what he is up to in real life as well as on social media.
  1. If he was emotionally or physically abusive during the relationship, you can’t expect them to change their behavior towards you as a ‘friend’ just because you broke up with them.
  1. Being friends with your ex can make your new partner uncomfortable and feel insecure.
  1. You will confuse and tire out your friends about whether or not you and your ex are still together.
  2. Your presence on social media will only confuse and even scare away potential dates if there are still countless pictures and posts on your wall in which your ex is tagged in. Instead of making the mistake of staying in touch with him/her, try making peace with your Ex.
You have been warned, so make a wise decision!

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